Venture (Noun/Verb)
Syllable division: ven·​ture
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈven.tʃər/ US: /ˈven.tʃɚ/

British Pronunciation of the word Venture

Venture as a Noun
Meaning: A new effort that includes risk or uncertainty, typically in business.
> How are you feeling about the venture that you are busy working on?
> The fundraiser was a venture between two companies.

Venture as a Verb
Meaning: To take a chance by doing something risky or unpleasant, travelling somewhere, or stating something that could be criticized.
> After Covid, a lot of people started to venture more.
> She likes to try out new ventures when visiting different countries.

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A woman and man enjoying to venture in the Banff National Park.

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