Trust (Verb)
Syllable division: trust
How to pronounce: UK: /trสŒst/ US: /trสŒst/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Trust

#1 Meaning: When you have faith in someone who is decent and honest and believe that they will not harm you.
> I know that I can trust her with my life!
> Do you think that it is wise to trust him with your car?
> You have got to trust your partner for a relationship to work.

#2 Meaning: When you believe in something that is safe and reliable.
> In situations like these you are going to have to trust your instincts.
> I do not trust travelling by water because I think that it is unsafe.
> He trusts that his scuba gear is ready to be used.

#3 Meaning: When a person's property or money is lawfully held or managed by another person or entity (such as a bank) for a defined period of time.
> A lot of parents creates trusts for their children when they are born.
> Her parent's property and funds will be held in a trust until she turns 21.

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