Superfluous (adjective)
Syllable division: su·​per·​flu·​ous 
How to pronounce: UK: / suːˈpɜːflʊəs / US: / səˈpɜrfluəs /

Audio Pronunciation of the word Superfluous

Meaning: Something that is no longer needed or unnecessary
> My presence in this morning's meeting was superfluous.
> Her remark about the decorations was superfluous.

More ways the word can be used:

  1. Superfluously (suˈperfluously) ADVERB
    Used in a sentence = "My car is parked in the front!" He said, superfluously pointing to the door.

2. Superfluousness (suˈperfluousness) NOUN
Used in a sentence: I decided to leave after experiencing a strong sense of my own superfluousness.

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