Sugarcoat (Verb)
Syllable division: sug·​ar·​coat 
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈʃʊɡ.ə.kəʊt/ US: /ˈʃʊɡ.ɚ.koʊt/

Pronunciation of the word Sugarcoat

#1 Meaning: When someone turns something negative/unpleasant, into something more positive/pleasant.
> I do not think that you should sugarcoat the fact that she tried to bride the officer to not get a ticket.
> She always tries to sugarcoat his mistakes because she wants him to like her.

#2 Meaning: When you literally cover something e.g. food with sugar.
> I like to buy ice-cream in a sugarcoated cone.
> Some pills should be sugarcoated for children to take them without parents having to struggle.

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Selection of sugarcoated sweets

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