Stubborn (Adjective)
Syllable division: stub·​born
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈstʌb.ən/ US: /ˈstʌb.ɚn/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Stubborn

#1 Meaning: When someone is stubborn, they only want to do what is best for them/what they choose to do and nothing else.
> Whenever they fight, the fight goes on for hours because they are both too stubborn to admit that they are wrong.
> If you do not teach your daughter how to listen and follow rules, she will grow up to be stubborn.

#2 Meaning: When something is stubborn, it means that it is not easy to move, change or deal with it.
> Do you have any advice for what I can use to remove these stubborn stains on my shirt?
> The most stubborn problem was when she asked him to leave her alone but he did not want to.

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Angry young couple sitting separate on a couch and ignoring each other because they are too stubborn to talk to each other.

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