Storm (Noun)
Syllable division: storm
How to pronounce: UK: /stɔːm/ US: /stɔːrm/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Storm

Storm as a Noun
#1 Meaning: Weather that is extreme with heavy rain, strong winds and sometimes lightning.
> The storm came out of nowhere.
> There was a lot of damage after the storm.
> They decided to stay in a hotel rather than to drive in the storm.
> The storm started last night and is still going strong.

#2 Meaning: When people react in an angry way.
> After the fuel price increased, there was a storm of protest from citizens.

Storm as a Verb
#1 Meaning: When a place or building gets attacked by a lot of people who enters quickly.
> The castle was stormed by a thousand soldiers.
> Hundreds of protesters stormed the building with their banners.

#2 Meaning: When someone expresses anger in a loud way with no control.
> After he shouted at her, he stormed out of the building.
> She stormed towards him to tell him exactly what she thinks.

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