Rural (Adjective)
Syllable division: ru·ral
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈrʊə.rəl/ US: /ˈrʊr.əl/
Meaning: Refers to the countryside.
> On weekends they went to the rural area to relax.
> The rural economy of a country is very important.
Have a good day! 😀
Post your sentence 😀
Now I teach children in an rural school.
Good sentence Moung! 😀
Now I teach children in a rural school.
I live in the rural zone, since I was born, and I love living here, because I have contact with the nature, and this make me feel well.
Great sentence Nirvana! 😀
Try saying:
I have lived in a rural zone since I was born, and I love living here, because I have contact with nature, and this makes me feel well.
> I live on my Island, which is a rural area.
> Our Capital was the most crowded area in the world because people were
travelling to a rural area to relax.
Thank you for posting some great sentences Naseema! 😀
For 12 years I lived in a beautiful old house in the rural, it was an interesting experience.