Remote (Adjective)
Syllable division: re·​mote
How to pronounce: UK: /rɪˈməʊt/ US: /rɪˈmoʊt/

American Pronunciation of the word Remote

#1 Meaning: Something like a house/village/etc. that is far away from any towns or cities.
> During our holiday, we visited a remote village in the mountains.
> She said that she would like to go and live in a remote area.

#2 Meaning: When users in another section of the building or in another location can access distant computer systems over a network.
> The company now has remote access to all your documents.
> I would like to have remote access of my emails wherever I go.

#3 Meaning: An action that is carried out away from its typical location, particularly through the use of technology.
> Students participating in the remote learning program will start the program next week.
> Scientists wants to experiment remote surgery opportunities for third world countries.

#4 Meaning: When the chance of something happening is small.
> There is a remote possibility for rain this weekend.
> The chances of me becoming president in the future is remote.

#5 Meaning: A device used to "control" another device such as a television.
> We need to buy new batteries for the play station's remote.
> When I was a child, my siblings and I used to fight over the television remote.

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Global corporation having a remote videoconference

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