Syllable division: re·​gret
How to pronounce: UK: /rɪˈɡret/ US: /rɪˈɡret/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Regret

The word regret can be used as a Noun or a Verb
Meaning: When you are feeling sad/unhappy because of something that went wrong or because of a mistake that you made, wishing that things were different or better.
> I regret that I said some bad words in our last fight.
> I have no regrets for getting married when I was only 19.
> We regret to inform you, but your application has been denied.
> Do you think that everyone regrets something at some stage in their lives or not?

Post your own sentence in the comment section about something that you regret or about something that you do not regret!

Frustrated and confused female feeling unhappy and regret about a problem in her personal life.

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