Reality (Noun)
Syllable division: re·​al·​i·​ty
How to pronounce: UK: /riˈæl.ə.ti/  US:  /riˈæl.ə.t̬i/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Reality

#1 Meaning: The way that things are instead of what people think they should be.
> The reality of it all is that we just weren't meant to be.
> Why do you think people want to escape reality sometimes?

#2 Meaning: When something is a fact
> The movie is based on events that happens in reality.
> His childhood dream became a reality after he graduated from high school.

#3 Meaning: Programs on television where ordinary people's daily life's are filmed.
> They love watching reality TV on weekends.
> She decided to join a reality show to become famous.

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One of the realities of having children

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