Race (Noun)
Syllable division: race
How to pronounce: UK: /reɪs/ US: /reɪs/

British Pronunciation of the word Race

#1 Meaning: When you try to be the fastest and to finish first in a competition
> Do you know who won the last Formula 1 race?
> I think Billy is going to come 3rd in the 100m race.

#2 Meaning: When you try to be first to do or get something.
> They are in the race to become the next manager.
> A new candidate entered the race for class captain.

#3 Meaning: People who share the same characteristics like skin color, language, history, etc.
> It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their race.
> I have friends of different races.

#4 Meaning: When something moves fast/happens quickly
> They came racing down the staircase to get food.
> Our island trip seemed to race by.

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A close-up view of two teammates racing to the finish line.

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