Nursing (Adjective)
Syllable division: nurs·ing
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈnɜː.sɪŋ/ US: /ˈnɝː.sɪŋ/
#1 Meaning: A woman who feeds her baby with her own breast milk is a nursing mother.
> She decided to keep nursing her baby until he is one year old. ?
> When a mother nurses her baby, it is advisable that she follows a healthy diet.
#2 Meaning: When someone has a job as a nurse.
> He decided to go study nursing after high school.
> They enjoy being nursing students as it is very interesting.
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The nursing school has lost much of its quality in the last twenty years in Romania
Good sentence Vlad!
You can also say: That nursing school, in Romania, has lost much of its quality in the last twenty years.
It is interesting, how some new words are created. For instance, there is a substitute manmade nutritional article called SUNAR available in some countries, to feed babies for a later, after-natural-nursing period.
If we divide the word SU-NAR into two parts, we can get a combination of 2 composing words:
SU – as SUbstitute [SU]
NAR – as NURsing a baby – phonetically [NAR] when it is separated
(🙂 however Wikipedia says that Sunar is a caste in India)
Very interesting facts Metchi!
Baby boomers generation -people who were born between 1954 -1964-, may have been in the phase of ageing nowadays. In general, they have one common stereotypes as generation who is self-assured, and with this stereotypes, I imagine it would be very challenging for them to face limitation of their selves because they usually fear-driven, hardest work generation, very self-assured and maybe by 2035, they definitely will need more support because accepting ageing is not always about physical but also emotionally since maybe their friends already passed away or dementia starts. Thus, the need of trained nurses for ageing people is more needed than before, there will be more demands than supplies. In my opinion, to establish nursing business is very promising one.
Good information and paragraph Ria!
Try saying:
Baby boomers generation -people who were born between 1954 -1964-, may be in the phase of ageing nowadays. In general, they have one common stereotype as the generation who is self-assured, and with these stereotypes, I imagine it would be very challenging for them to face the limitations themselves because they are usually fear-driven, the hardest working generation, very self-assured and maybe by 2035, they definitely will need more support because accepting ageing is not always physical but also emotional since maybe their friends already passed away or dementia starts. Thus, the need for trained nurses for ageing people is more needed than before, there will be more demands than supplies. In my opinion, establishing a nursing business is a very promising one.
She was nursing her baby while she slept.
My neighbor studied nursing some years ago, and now she is a nurse.
Good sentences Nirvana!
Keep it up 😀
During the first week of after delivery, it’s very difficult to nursing a baby
Good sentence Muhsina!
Try saying: During the first week, after delivery, it’s very difficult to nurse a baby
the profesion of nursing it very important becouse it help in the hospital and working with the doctor
Good sentence Angela!
Try saying: The profession of nursing is very important because it helps in the hospital and working with the doctor