Mature (verb)
Syllable division: ma·​ture
How to pronounce: UK: /məˈtʃʊər/ US: /məˈtʊr/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Mature

#1 Meaning: People who are mature would act in a way that shows that they are well developed both mentally and emotionally.
> It was clear that he was very mature for his age when he was only 10 years old.
> She finally matured after attending university for four years.

#2 Meaning: When someone makes a mature decision, it means that they make the decision after thinking about the situation carefully.
> She made a mature decision when she decided how she would not like to be treated by others.
> He had to make a mature decision about his finances before it was too late.

#3 Meaning: When someone is mature it can mean that they are fully grown physically.
> It was clear to her father that she is a mature adult at the age of 21.
> They enjoyed going for picnics at the mature oak tree in the park.

#4 Meaning: When a flavour is developed completely.
> She enjoyed drinking matured wine while eating steak.
> When they went cheese tasting, he learned that he does not like the taste of matured cheese.

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