Maintenance (Noun)
Syllable division: main·​te·​nance
How to pronounce: UK:  /ˈmeɪn.tən.əns/  US:  /ˈmeɪn.tən.əns/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Maintenance.

#1 Meaning: The work that is needed to keep things e.g. buildings, vehicles, roads, etc. in good condition.
> Old buildings need a lot of maintenance to stay in good shape.
> It is important for trains to undergo maintenance on a regular basis.

#2 Meaning: When you provide support to someone or something.
Example: Their father had to pay a monthly maintenance after the divorce.

#3 Meaning: To make sure that the state or process of something continues.
Example: It is important to eat vegetables to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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