Lozenge (Noun)
Syllable division: loz·enge
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈlɒz.ɪndʒ/ US: /ˈlɑː.zəndʒ/
Meaning: A tiny, flat candy (which may contain medicine) that you suck to relieve a cough or sore throat.
> My mom bought me some lozenges for my sore throat.
> Maybe we should get some cough lozenges before the winter starts, just for incase someone gets a sore throat.
> How many lozenges should I suck on each day for the best relieve?
Happy Sunday! 😀
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People often get some lozenges to comfort their sore throat, however, some lozenges are medicine in candy form, which means that too much of them aren’t good for your health.
Thank you for posting a good sentence Christina! 😀
Until where I remember, never used lazenge in my life, for relieve my sore throat.
Good sentence Nirvana! 😀
Try saying: Since I can remember, I have never used lozenges in my life to relieve my sore throat
When I get a sore throat, I use less than four lozenges per day.
Thank you for posting a good sentence Ligia! 😀
I like sweaty lozenges.
Thank you for posting Moung! 😀
It would help if you bought some lozenges because winter is coming
Thank you for posting Lina! 😀
when is necesary i m eat lozende