Invisible (Adjective)
Syllable division: in·vis·i·ble
How to pronounce: UK:/ɪnˈvɪz.ə.bəl/ US: /ɪnˈvɪz.ə.bəl/
#1 Meaning: When you are not able to see something.
> She had an invisible smile on her face.
> He stared out of the window until his hometown became invisible as they drove away.
> They were tired of all the media and wished that they could be invisible for a few days.
#2 Meaning: Invisible earnings (in economics) is the money made by a country due to services instead of producing goods.
> The biggest invisible export in most countries is tourism.
> During Covid-19 there was a huge decrease in invisible export across the world.
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He was present in the room with us, but as if invisible
Good sentence Miroslaw!
Try saying: Even though he was present in the room, it felt like he was invisible.
Sometimes, in some situations I would like to be invisible. 🙂
Very good sentence Nirvana!
I think I am with you on this one 😀
Sometimes when I was in the difficult situation, I need an invisible hand to help me.
Good sentence Tya!
Try saying: Sometimes when I am in a difficult situation, I need an invisible hand to help me.
I would like to be invisible.
Why would you like to be invisible Ligia?
The house was invisible behind the hill.
Keep it up Renata!
Dito is a very mysterious person, I’ve never seen him but I can feel his existence. I guess he is an invisible person.