
Syllable division: glove

How to pronounce: UK: /ɡlʌv/ US: /ɡlʌv/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Glove

Glove as a Noun:

Meaning: Clothing that people wear on their hands and wrists when it is cold.
> Her grandmother knitted a pair of gloves for her during the summer.
> He decided to buy some leather gloves for when he is riding his motorcycle.

Glove as a Verb:
#1 Meaning: When you/someone puts on gloves.
> They gloved their hands before playing in the snow.
> The doctor gloved his hands before he started his surgery.

#2 Meaning: When you play baseball and catch a ball.
> He gloved the ball and threw it to his team mate.

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A doctor putting on his/her latex surgical gloves

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