Syllable division: gi·​ant 
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ US: /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Giant

Giant as a Noun
#1 Meaning: A figure of imagination that is very tall, strong and mean.
> The little girl did not want to go to bed after watching the story, because she was afraid of the giant in the story.
> He gladly played the part of the giant in the school play

#2 Meaning: A person/organization that is extremely successful.
> He is trying to work his way up at work to become a retail giant.
> Two global industrial giants are looking to collaborate at the end of the year.

Giant as an Adjective
Meaning: When something is very large
> She bought a giant sweatshirt for the winter.
> They decided to build a giant swimming pool for the community.

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Aerial view of a boat above a giant whale

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