Geoduck (Noun)
Syllable division: geo·duck
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈɡuː.i.dʌk/ US: /ˈɡuː.i.dʌk/
Meaning: A marine creature with a shell that has two pieces, one consisting of a tiny shell and the other of a larger soft component that extends out from the shell. Some nations consume it as a delicacy.
> The geoduck is indigenous to North America's west coast.
> Sea otters and dogfish have been observed in Alaska dislodging geoducks.
The young man never had heard anything about geoducks, because of this, he started to search everything about it.
Good sentence Nirvana! 😀
Try saying:
The young man had never heard anything about geoducks, and because of this, he started to search for everything about them.