Freeze (Verb)
Syllable division: freeze
How to pronounce: UK: /friหz/ US: /friหz/

American Pronunciation of the word Freeze

#1 Meaning: When something's temperature is lower to below 0ยฐC and it solidifies.
> I think that we should freeze the pizza and use it on another day.
> Some nights, it is so cold outside that all the water freezes.
> If you do not take a coat or a jacket, you are going to freeze.

#2 Meaning: When a living thing (person/animal) stops moving completely.
> "Freeze! Put your hands in the air!" said the police officer.
> They were walking outside and when she heard a strange noise, she suddenly froze.

#3 Meaning: When the price of items/someone's salary does not increase and stays the same.
> They normally have a massive price freeze at the end of the year.
> Her boss decided to freeze her salary for two years.

#4 Meaning: When money or property is legally and officially being prevented from being used and/or moved.
> His lawyer decided to freeze all his assets until he paid his legal bill.
> The bank decided to freeze her inheritance until she turns 21.

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Woman putting container with frozen mixed vegetables in the refrigerator

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