Syllable division: frank
How to pronounce: UK: /fræŋk/ US: /fræŋk/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Frank.

Frank as an adjective
Meaning: When someone is honest, direct, etc. even when it might make people feel uncomfortable or create an awkward situation.
> We finally had a full and frank discussion last night.
> If I may be frank, I do not think that she is marriage material.
> He is frank but fair when criticizing someone's work.

Frank as a verb
Meaning: When someone makes a mark on a stamp, preventing it from being used again, or when someone makes a mark on an envelope which shows the cost of shipping it has been paid.
> The president always sends franked mail.
> The signature of a person on a piece of franked mail serves in the place of a postage stamp.

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Quote about being Frank

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