Float (Verb/Noun)
Syllable division: float
How to pronounce: UK: /flษ™สŠt/ US: /floสŠt/

American Pronunciation of the word Float

Float as a VERB
#1 Meaning: To avoid sinking and remain above a liquid.
> She likes to float on her back when swimming.
> How is it possible for some objects to float, while others sink?

#2 Meaning: To smoothly move through, or along a liquid's surface, or to smoothly move through air.
> Can we go to the park to float our paper boats?
> Don't you just love watching clouds float across the sky?

#3 Meaning: To transition seamlessly and elegantly.
> The ballerina floats over the stage when dancing.
> When they dance together, it looks like they are floating on the dance floor.

#4 Meaning: When someone/something moves or behaves carelessly.
> He has just been floating around after he lost his job.

Float as a NOUN
#1 Meaning: A small sum of money maintained by a bartender or other employee and used to provide change to consumers.
> Have you checked that the cash float is ready for tonight?
> It is your turn to go to the bank and get change for the float.

#2 Meaning: A big flat-surfaced vehicle used for festivals that is decorated.
> We had to make a float for the university's festival.
> Did you see this year's amazing carnival float?

#3 Meaning: A lightweight device that floats on the water's surface and is used to maintain the position of the bait on a fishing line or a fishing net.
> Do not forget to put on your float before you cast your line.

#4 Meaning: An air-filled animal or other item that is used as a seat or toy in swimming pools.
> Her mother bought a flamingo float for the pool party.

#5 Meaning: A specific beverage that has ice cream on top.
> I would like to have a coke float please.

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Coke float (beverage)