Syllable division: fake
How to pronounce: UK: /feɪk/ US: /feɪk/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Fake

Fake as a Noun/Adjective/Verb
#1 Meaning: When an item is portrayed to look like it is real in order to trick people.
> I bought the most beautiful necklace just to find out that it was a fake!
> The police discovered that more than half of the paintings in their house was fake.
> They robbed a bank with a fake gun.

#2 Meaning: When someone acts / behaves in a way that is not true to who they really are.
> She fakes a smile every time someone asks if she is okay after what happened.
> He faked his expression of surprise when he was promoted because he already knew about the promotion.
> Her son did not want to go to school so he faked being sick.

Enjoy your Thursday! 😀
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Two workers Installing fake grass in modern garden of home

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