Exposition (Noun)
Syllable division: ex·po·si·tion
How to pronounce: UK: /ˌek.spəˈzɪʃ.ən/ US: /ˌek.spəˈzɪʃ.ən/
#1 Meaning: A complete and detailed description of a concept or philosophy.
> The exposition of how volcanos work was very interesting.
> Our mathematics teacher gave a good exposition about the importance of the subject.
#2 Meaning: A public exhibition of industrial goods, works of art, and other items.
> We went to a hunting expo last weekend.
> She decided to attend two wedding expositions before she starts to plan her wedding.
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The parliamentary deliverd a claear exposition of budget program for next year at the national assembly
Good sentence Roland!
Try saying: The parliament delivered a clear exposition of the budget program for next year at the national assembly
The exposition about his life’s style was amazing.
The art teacher took her students to visit an art exposition in a neighbor city.
Good sentences Nirvana!
Try saying: The art teacher took her students to visit an art exposition in a neighboring city.
Our company participates annually in food exhibitions made from meat and milk
Good sentence Vlad 😀
Try saying: Our company participates in annual food exhibitions for food made from meat and milk
exposition when speak with the teacher in my class of english it great, becouse understand every day little bit
Good sentence Angela!
Try saying: Exposition when speaking with the teacher in my English class is great because I understand a little more every day.
Expositions about computers, ICT technology attract professionals as well as general public.