Ecstasy (noun)
Syllable division: ec·​sta·​sy
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈek.stə.si/  US: /ˈek.stə.si/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Ecstasy

#1 Meaning: A condition/moment of great happiness, specifically when experiencing enjoyment.
> We shared a moment of ecstasy while eating our ice-cream on a warm summers day.
> She experienced a state of ecstasy when she graduated from university.

#2 Meaning: A powerful, illegal, drug that makes you feel extremely active and is used to produce a feeling of pleasure and excitement. This drug can also result in you seeing and hearing things that do not exist.
> They decided to buy some ecstasy because they wanted to enjoy their night out.
> When the police pulled him over, they found ecstasy in his pockets.

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