Doctor (Noun/Verb)
Syllable division: doc·​tor
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈdɒk.tər/ US: /ˈdɑːk.tɚ/

American Pronunciation of the word Doctor

Doctor as a NOUN
Meaning: A medical professional whose job it is to care for those who are injured or ill.
> I have to go to the doctor this week to get rid of my cough.
> She decided to study to become a doctor.
> He was rushed to the doctor's office when he woke up with a high fever.

Doctor as a VERB
#1 Meaning: To manipulate a document in an effort to deceive others.
> Her lawyer doctored the evidence before they were sent to the judge.
> He doctored his CV so that he could get the job.

#2 Meaning: To secretly add toxic and dangerous ingredients to meals or beverages.
> He decided to doctor his brother's dinner because he wanted to inherit everything from their recently deceased father.
> The police found a lot of doctored beverages at the party.

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