Disguise (Verb)
Syllable division: dis·guise
How to pronounce: UK: /dɪsˈɡaɪz/ US: /dɪsˈɡaɪz/
#1 Meaning: When you want/try to give something/someone a new form by giving it a new appearance.
> She disguised herself by wearing a wig.
> He disguised the mark on his arm by getting a tattoo over it.
#2 Meaning: When you hide what you think/feel/etc.
> They couldn't disguise their disgust about her behavior.
> We tried to disguise our unhappiness about the situation.
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She liked to wear like other person for disguise her real appearence.
The girl tried disguise her pain, while she was enjoying with her friends.
Good sentences Nirvana!
Try saying:
She liked to disguise her real appearance by dressing like other people.
The girl tried to disguise her pain while she was spending time with her friends
Every year my friends organize a ball at which the subject of disguise is obligatory e.g. last year was a fairy-tale convention.
Good sentence Renata 😀
Kids love to disguise for Halloween party.
Good sentence Mary!
Try saying: Kids love disguising themselves for Halloween parties
Thank you for correcting me, Minnette!
He disguises another face behind this smile.
Good sentence Ligia 😀
it important que the people it love your body, but in general disguise for mea my ear it big and tapo with my hair