Defense (Noun)
Syllable division:
How to pronounce: UK: /dɪˈfens/ US: /dɪˈfens/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Defense

#1 Meaning: When you defend someone/something from being harmed or criticized.
> When he heard them talk bad about his friend, he came to his friend's defense.
> She jumped to her daughter's defense when a dog started chasing her.

#2 Meaning: Anything that protects you against enemy attack or something harmful like the weather or an infection.
> If you want to defend your body against colds and flu's, you need to drink your vitamins daily.
> Their minister of defense is well educated in matters of war.

#3 Meaning: An argument or justification used to show that you are innocent in a matter.
> In defense of what I did, he started pushing me first and I was just defending myself.
> The jury was won over due to her strong defense in the case.

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Military soldiers getting ready to defend their country.

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