Cream (Noun)
Syllable division: cream
How to pronounce: UK: /kriːm/ US: /kriːm/

American Pronunciation of the word Cream

#1 Meaning: The milk's thick, yellowish-white liquid surface layer.
> I think that we should buy some strawberries and cream for a snack.
> Would you like some cream on your cappuccino?

#2 Meaning: A gentle lotion that you apply to your skin.
> My skin is a bit dry, I think that I should get some cream.
> What face cream do you use?

#3 Meaning: A sweet with a velvety inside.
> He bought her some chocolate creams for their anniversary.
> My dad loves eating strawberry creams after dinner.

#4 Meaning: A dense liquid for cleaning objects.
> We need to buy some cream cleaner for the house.

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Woman applying cream

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