Syllable division: calm
How to pronounce: UK: /kɑːm/ US: /kɑːm/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Calm

Calm as an Adjective
#1 Meaning: When you are feeling relaxed / without anger or worry.
> He is a very calm person during difficult situations.
> During the fire she remained calm to help everyone.

#2 Meaning: When it is quiet and there is no rush.
> After ten at night, the streets are calm.
> When you entered the room, you could feel the calm atmosphere.

Calm as a Verb
#1 Meaning: When you want to help someone become less angry/upset/overly excited/scared.
> The mother tried to calm her screaming children during the storm.
> After he got fired, his wife tried to calm him from doing anything that he would regret.

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Young man meditating at home to calm his mind

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