Beard (Noun/Verb)
Syllable division: beard
How to pronounce: UK: /bɪəd/ US: /bɪrd/
Beard as a NOUN
Meaning: The facial hair that some guys let grow on their lower jawline.
> He decided to grow a beard when he finished high school.
> She asked him to trim his beard before they went on honeymoon.
> Beard oils are very expensive nowadays.
Beard as a VERB
Meaning: To bravely or resolutely face, engage, or deal with an unpleasant or frightening person.
> After he gained some courage he bearded his boss in their meeting.
> During recess, she nervously attempted to beard her bully.
Remember to post your sentence 😀
I don’t want beard.
Thank you for posting Moung! 😀
Try saying: I don’t want a beard.
Many famous and intelligent people in human history had particularly rich beards.
Thank you for posting Metchi! 😀
My father has a long grey beard.
Daniel had courage, to beard the crazy and violent man.
Thank you for posting Nirvana!:D
You can also say:
My father has a long gray beard.
Daniel was brave enough to beard the insane and violent man.
Some boys like to grow their beards in their teenage.
Man looks so handsome with their beards.
Someone with a beard from their too young age’ because
some classmates were bullying them.
Thank you for posting Naseema! 😀
Try saying:
Some boys like to grow their beards in their teens.
The men look so handsome with their beards.
Someone who has had a beard since a young age due to bullying from classmates.
Bread is so beautiful, when the man has bread he seems strong
Thank you for posting Abraar! 😀
Try saying:
Beards are so beautiful, and when a man has a beard, he appears strong.
He’s a real bore, he’s always telling jokes with a long beard