Syllable division: bal·​ance
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈbæl.əns/ US: /ˈbæl.əns/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Balance

Balance as a Noun:
#1 Meaning: To equally separate the weight of someone/something so that it can be kept in one position or managed while moving.
Example: John decided to do a backflip but he lost his balance and fell on his back.

#2 Meaning: The money that someone has in their bank account.
Example: My bank balance is looking a bit low this time of the month.

Balance as a Verb:
#1 Meaning: Giving an equal amount of importance, time, money, etc. to several things for it to be successful.
Example: It is difficult to balance work and fun on weekends.

#2 Meaning: When something is being put/held in position so that it does not fall.
Example: The teacher tried to balance all the books while walking to her car.

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Stack of stones in calm water being balanced in the evening sun

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