Axe (Noun/Verb) Syllable division: axe How to pronounce: UK: /æks/ US: /æks/
Axe as a NOUN Meaning: a wood-cutting instrument with a long wooden handle and a heavy blade made of iron or steel. Example: > He bought a new axe to cut his wood faster. > You need to be careful with that axe, it has a very sharp blade.
Axe as a VERB Meaning: To severely or fully cut out on something without prior notice or in a single action. Example: > The company said that they are going to axe 20 employees by the end of the month. > They decided to axe the rest of the book series due to a lack of interest.
Have a MARVELOUS MONDAY! 😀 Remember to post your sentence! 😀
Brooch (Noun) Syllable division: brooch How to pronounce: UK: /brəʊtʃ/ US: /broʊtʃ/
Meaning: A tiny piece of jewelry that is pinned to a woman's clothing at the rear Example: > She wore a butterfly brooch that she got from her mother. > They use brooches to safely secure their scarves around their necks.
Enjoy your Sunday! 😀 Remember to post your sentence 😀
Fungus (Noun) Syllable division: fun·gus How to pronounce: UK: /ˈfʌŋ.ɡəs/ US: /ˈfʌŋ.ɡəs/
Meaning: Any of a wide range of creatures that feed on live things or decomposing matter. Example: > The students were learning about different types of fungi in biology class. > You need to make sure that you do not touch that fungus.
Happy Saturday! 😀 Remember to post your sentence 😀
Dough (Noun) Syllable division: dough How to pronounce: UK :/dəʊ/ US: /doʊ/
#1 Meaning: For baking, flour is combined with water and frequently yeast, oil, or sugar. Example: > I want to make some dough to make my own pizza this weekend. > She knows how to make a sweet dough that bakes the best bread.
#2 Meaning: Money (figuratively speaking) Example: > He makes a lot of dough every month. > We will need a lot of dough to go on this trip.
Happy WEEKEND! 😀 Remember to post those sentences 😀
Sabotage (Verb) Syllable division: sab·o·tage How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsæb.ə.tɑːʒ/ US: /ˈsæb.ə.tɑːʒ/
#1 Meaning: To tamper with or damage machinery, tools, or structures in an effort to prevent the success of a rival or enemy. Example: > The thief tried to sabotage the door to get into the building. > He tried to sabotage some equipment after he got fired.
#2 Meaning: To deliberately undermine the success of a strategy or activity. Example: > She sabotaged her friend's engagement plans. > They sabotaged the evidence so that the man who was running for mayor would look guilty.
Have a GREAT Thursday! 😀 Remember to post your sentence 😀