Pandemic (Adjective) Syllable division: pan·dem·ic How to pronounce: UK: /pænˈdem.ɪk/ US: /pænˈdem.ɪk/
Meaning: A sickness that affects almost all of a region or nearly all of a group of people, animals, or plants. Example: > The flu pandemic might affect millions of people if people do not practice good hygiene by washing their hands often. > We can only hope that they will be accessible before the next pandemic.
Sibling (Noun) Syllable division: sib·ling How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsɪb.lɪŋ/ US: /ˈsɪb.lɪŋ/
Meaning: A person who is your brother or your sister by blood. Example: > I have two siblings: one brother and one sister. > My college roommate doesn't have any siblings.
Taekwondo (Noun) Syllable division: Tae-Kwon-Do How to pronounce: UK: /ˌtaɪ ˈkwɒn dəʊ/ US: /ˌtaɪ kwɑːn ˈdoʊ/
Meaning: a Korean combat sport, similar to karate, in which individuals battle with their arms, legs, and feet. Example: > Taekwondo's hand techniques rely on concentrated strength. > Taekwondo, a Korean martial art, is also popular.
Transparent (Adjective) Syllable division: trans·par·ent How to pronounce: UK: /trænˈspær.ənt/ US: /trænˈsper.ənt/
Meaning: When a material or thing is transparent, you can see right through it. Example: > We are currently working hard to develop parliamentary democracy that is transparent. > The city's residences were entirely built of glass, which was so clear and transparent that a person could see through the walls as easily as a window.
Geoduck (Noun) Syllable division: geo·duck How to pronounce: UK: /ˈɡuː.i.dʌk/ US: /ˈɡuː.i.dʌk/
Meaning: A marine creature with a shell that has two pieces, one consisting of a tiny shell and the other of a larger soft component that extends out from the shell. Some nations consume it as a delicacy. Example: > The geoduck is indigenous to North America's west coast. > Sea otters and dogfish have been observed in Alaska dislodging geoducks.