Artistic (Adjective)
Syllable division: ar·​tis·​tic
How to pronounce: UK: /ɑːˈtɪs.tɪk/ US: /ɑːrˈtɪs.tɪk/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Artistic

#1 Meaning: When someone has the ability to create/enjoy art.
> She was very artistic when she was younger.
> He is very artistic when it comes to playing instruments.

#2 Meaning: When something is skillfully/ attractively made.
> She knows how to set tables in an artistic way.
> That is a very artistic outfit that you are designing.

#3 Meaning: When something is related to art.
> They were not allowed to laugh at her artistic attempts.
> Her first piece was an artistic success.

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Artistic painting of a woman

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