Anorexia (Adjective)
Syllable division: an·orex·ia
How to pronounce: UK: /ˌæn.əˈrek.sɪk/ US: /ˌæn.əˈrek.sɪk/
Meaning: An illness where someone is afraid to get fat, so they eat less food to not gain weight.
> She suffered from anorexia for 10 years.
> His parents took him to a psychologist when they saw him suffering from anorexia.
> Media is one of the causes for teenagers to become anorexic.
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Thanks for posting Ifrah! 😉
Try saying: Some people are afraid of anorexia because it leads to them feeling sick.
She lost too much weight! Yes she sofer from anorexia.
Good sentence Solange!
Try saying: She lost too much weight! Yes she suffers from anorexia.
Anorexia it’s a very bad illness, because the thin people always feel fat, so they eat and after they vomiting afraid for fattening.
Thank you for posting Nirvana! ❤️
Try saying:Anorexia it a very bad illness, because thin people always feel fat, so they eat and after eating, they vomit because they are afraid of getting fat.
I have empathy for people who are suffering from Anorexia because they will have to deal with organs failure soon or letter.
Good sentence Ria! 😉
Try saying: I have empathy for people who are suffering from Anorexia because they will have to deal with organ failure sooner or later.
Anorexia is the major problem of teenagers , because they are trying to being as a model.
Good sentence Muhsina! 😁
Try saying: Anorexia is a major problem amongst teenagers , because they try to be like models.
Getting early treatment improves your chances of overcoming anorexia.
very much girls have this illnees it problem delicate it mor suffering for familie i remember whith Karen Carpenter dieded the anorexia it very sad