Active (Adjective)
Syllable division: ac·​tive 
How to pronounce: UK:/ˈæk.tɪv/ US:/ˈæk.tɪv/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Active

#1 Meaning: When someone is busy moving around and doing a specific activity
> To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is important to stay active.
> She plays a very active role on the school board.
> He is an active member in the golf club.
> There is an active volcano in Hawaii. (The volcano can erupt at any moment)

#2 Meaning: When someone/something is working or being used at a specific time.
> The bank made sure that she is part of the active clients receiving assistance.
> Their community has about 300 active members.

#3 Meaning: Coming up with new things due to having a mind that is active.
> She struggles to sleep at night because of her active mind.
> He is the best person to ask when it comes to redecorating your house because he has an active mind and knows exactly how to use it.

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Couple of seniors jogging outdoors in the city to stay active

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