Accommodate (verb)
Syllable division = ac·com·mo·date
How to pronounce = US: /ə-ˈkä-mə-ˌdāt/ UK: /əˈkɒmədeɪt/
Other ways the word can be used = accommodation / accommodating
#1 Meaning: To provide room/space for someone where they can stay and sleep.
> The hostel can only accommodate 50 students. (This means that there is enough space for only 50 students to stay in the hostel.)
> When they went camping, they took a tent that could only accommodate 4 people.
#2 Meaning: To have room or space for someone / something.
> He did not have enough space in his office to accommodate (store/keep) his files.
> The airplane accommodates 270 passengers.
#3 Meaning: To do something that is helpful for someone (fairly formal) / To provide what someone needs or wants.
> She was kind enough to accommodate me with a scope for the upcoming examination.
> They were kind enough to accommodate me with an appointment after hours.
#4 Meaning: To allow for/give consideration to
> They tried to accommodate various groups' interest and taste.
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Can I say: We are waiting for the accommodating host to give us a nice room for accommodation.
It is better to say: We are waiting for the host to give us a nice room for our accommodation.