Accessory (Noun)
Syllable division: ac·​ces·​so·​ry
How to pronounce: UK: /əkˈses.ər.i/ US: /əkˈses.ər.i/

American Pronunciation of the word Accessory

#1 Meaning: Something that is attached to a machine or to clothes with a decorative or functional purpose.
> She always looks stylish with the accessories that she wears with her outfits.
> When he bought his car, he paid extra for the modern accessories e.g. leather upholstery, electrical windows, etc.

#2 Meaning: Someone who provides assistance to another person while refraining from participating in the crime.
> She was found guilty of being an accessory to the murder.
> He was an accessory to the fraud at the firm.

#3 Meaning: Something additional that makes the item it is added to better or complete.
> We need to go and buy some garden accessories before the weekend.
> When he bought his new phone he bought some extra accessories for it as well.

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