Delete (Verb)
Syllable division: de·lete
How to pronounce: UK: /dɪˈliːt/ US: /dɪˈliːt/
#1 Meaning: When you remove or draw a line through written words.
> She had to delete all the false information from her article.
> He gave her a shopping list and she deleted everything that they already have.
#2 Meaning: To remove data/documents/music, etc. from an electronic device.
> She decided to delete all the pictures of her ex-boyfriend.
> They decided to delete the document and start from scratch.
What would you like to delete?
Remember to post a sentence! 😀
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Our application allows users to add and delete their addresses.
Good sentence Ligia!
Thank you for posting 😀
He deleted his bad thought of his mind.
I decided to delete some things that I wont use it more.
I would like deleting bad thoughts, that unfortunately come to my mind often.
Good sentence Nirvana!
Try saying: I would like to delete bad thoughts that often comes to my mind in an unfortunate way
Good sentences Nirvana!
Try saying: He deleted the bad thought from his mind.
I decided to delete some things that I won’t be using anymore.
Using System TuneUp, you can delete applications, delete unnecessary files or clean the registry.
Good sentence Vlad!
Keep it up 😀
I would like to delete something unimportant from my to do list.
Keep on posting good sentences Mary!
It is a pity that we can not delete certain facts from our memory.
It sure is a pity Renata
We sometimes delete some parts of our written text when we find them unnecessary.
Good sentence Meci 😀
i delete very information in my pfono what it not important