Reasonable (Adjective)
Syllable division: rea·​son·​able
How to pronounce: UK: /ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl/ US: /ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Reasonable

#1 Meaning: Fair and practical because it is based on or uses sound judgment.
> He is a reasonable man, I am sure he will understand if you explain everything.
> Can you prove your innocence without any reasonable doubt?

#2 Meaning: When something is acceptable.
> Our journey was long but reasonable.
> We had a reasonable argument about our yearly salary raise.

#3 Meaning: When something is not too expensive
> I do not think that they are asking a reasonable price for grapes this time of the year.
> Make a reasonable offer on the house. I am sure you will get it then.

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Cropped shot of a young couple sitting on the sofa and being unreasonable by giving each other the silent treatment after an argument

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