Contaminated (Verb)
Syllable division: con·​tam·​i·​nat·​ed
How to pronounce: UK: /kənˈtæm.ɪ.neɪt/ US: /kənˈtæm.ə.neɪt/

Audio Pronunciation of the word Contaminated.

Meaning: When something is made poisonous/less pure.
> They decided to contaminate the food at the king's party.
> When ships break down at sea, the ocean water is contaminated with oil, fuel, etc.
> Because she did not clean her wound it became contaminated.
> We cannot sell the product because it is contaminated and people can get sick.
> Swimming in contaminated water can lead to several infections and diseases.

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Aerial view of the beach and the water flowing with some dirt.

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