Intimidate (Verb)
Syllable division: in·​tim·​i·​date
How to pronounce: UK: /ɪnˈtɪm.ɪ.deɪt/ US: /ɪnˈtɪm.ə.deɪt/

Audio Pronunciation of the word intimidate

Meaning: When you terrify or scare someone, usually because you want to persuade them to do something you want.
> He intimidated his brother to pay his bills for the month.
> She easily gets intimidated by people who are bigger than her.
> Young people are being intimidated to vote for campaigns every year.
> Her threats will not intimidate me!

Another way the word can be used:
Example: An example of intimidation is when someone tells someone else to give them their money or they will kill them.

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A younger person being intimidated by an older person.

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