Tier (Noun/Verb) Syllable division: tier How to pronounce: UK: /tɪər/ US: /tɪr/
Tier as a NOUN Meaning: One of numerous levels of significance, quality, and so forth. Example: > When I go to a live sports match, I like to sit in one of the upper-tier pavilions. > The room was filled with three-tiered metal bunk beds.
Tier as a VERB Meaning: Arranging or organizing things in layers. Example: > The theatrical chairs were steeply tiered. > You have to tier a wedding cake for the next client.
Dyspnea (Noun) Syllable division: dysp-ne-a How to pronounce: UK: /dɪspˈniː.ə/ US: /ˈdɪsp.niː.ə/
Meaning: Breathing difficulties and a sense of not receiving enough oxygen. Example: > She had reported chest discomfort, a high temperature, and dyspnea. > She developed dyspnea due to congestive heart failure two days after starting the third round.
Driven (Adjective/Suffix) Syllable division: driv·en How to pronounce: UK: /ˈdrɪv.ən/ US: /ˈdrɪv.ən/
Driven as an ADJECTIVE Meaning: Someone who is driven is so motivated to accomplish or succeed that their entire behavior is geared toward that goal. Example: > He was a driven young man who was significantly competitive.
Driven as a SUFFIX #1 Meaning: Powering a machine or making things happen. Example: > We plan on installing a water pump that is solar driven.
#2 Meaning: Describing a vehicle's driver. Example: > Some of the people had driven a long way to attend.
Questionnaire (Noun) Syllable division: ques·tion·naire How to pronounce: UK: /ˌkwes.tʃəˈneər/ US: /ˌkwes.tʃəˈner/
Meaning: A series of questions posed to a group of individuals in order to get information on a subject. Example: > We have created a survey questionnaire. > You are required to complete the questionnaire. > Fill out the questionnaire and mail it to the address shown below.
Ton (Noun) Syllable division: ton How to pronounce: UK: /tʌn/ US: /tʌn/
#1 Meaning: A measurement unit that measures weight. A ton is equivalent to 1,016 kilograms or 2,240 pounds in the United Kingdom. A ton is equivalent to 907.18 kilograms or 2,000 pounds in the United States. A metric ton is 1000 kilograms (2,205 pounds). Example: > It must have weighed six tons. > There were a few 600-ton boats at the harbor yesterday.
#2 Meaning: A ton or tons of anything is a substantial amount. Example: > She has a ton of paperwork to finish before she can go anywhere. > We have tons of fun games that we can play while it is raining outside.