Lure (Noun) Syllable division: lure How to pronounce: UK: /lʊər/ US: /lʊr/
#1 Meaning: The ability or trait that something, someone, or something has that makes it, them, or it appealing. Example: > She couldn't resist the lure of Hollywood.
#2 Meaning: A plastic insect or other small creature strung on a fishing line to catch fish. Example: > I was persuaded to join him on the fishing expedition by his new, sparkling lure.
Maleficent (Adjective) Syllable division: ma·lef·i·cent How to pronounce: UK: /məˈlef.ɪ.sənt/ US: /məˈlef.ɪ.sənt/
Meaning: Evil or destructive. Example: > He denied having any maleficent motives. > His palace had been invaded by his maleficent wife and her henchmen.
Levy (Noun) Syllable division: levy How to pronounce: UK: /ˈlev.i/ US: /ˈlev.i/
Meaning: A sum of money that you must pay to a government or entity, as a tax. Example: > No items existed to levy taxes on. > They levied an additional 5% tax on alcoholic beverages.
Jojoba (Noun) Syllable division: jo·jo·ba How to pronounce: UK: /həˈhəʊ.bə/ US: /həˈhoʊ.bə/
Meaning: A huge American plant with pointed leaves, used in cosmetic goods, whose seeds contain precious oil. Example: > Have you tried using jojoba oil? > Do you know where I can buy jojoba oil?
Kinetic (Adjective) Syllable division: ki·net·ic How to pronounce: UK: /kɪˈnet.ɪk/ US: /kɪˈnet̬.ɪk/
Meaning: Involving or resulting in motion. Example: > Do you know how to change kinetic energy into heat energy? > They bought a kinetic sculpture for display purposes.