Palm (Noun/Verb) Syllable division: palm How to pronounce: UK: /pɑːm/ US: /pɑːm/
British VS American Pronunciation of the word Palm.
Palm as a NOUN #1 Meaning: Your hand's inside, running from the wrist to the tips of your fingers. Example: > I need to start applying hand cream as my palms are starting to dry out.
#2 Meaning: A tall tree with a pile of long pointed leaves at the summit that thrives in hot climates. Example: > I really like the look of all the palm trees in the main street.
Palm as a VERB Meaning: To take something by picking it up in a way that will go unnoticed or to deceive someone into thinking something has vanished by concealing it in your hand. Example: > He palmed a few dollars on his way out, and no one noticed it.
Scissors (Noun) Syllable division: scis·sors How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsɪz.əz/ US: /ˈsɪz.ɚz/
British VS American Pronunciation of the word Scissors
Meaning: A tool with two sharp blades linked in the middle, two handles with openings for your fingers, and is used to cut items like paper, cloth, and hair. Example: > We should get some new scissors for the kitchen. > Would you mind passing me a pair of scissors please?
Plaque (Noun) Syllable division: plaque How to pronounce: UK: /plɑːk/ /plæk/ US: /plæk/
British VS American Pronunciation of the word Plaque
#1 Meaning: A flat writing-covered piece of metal, stone, wood, or plastic fastened to a door, wall, or other item. Example: > He felt proud when they finally put his name on the golden plaque outside the office.
#2 Meaning: A bacteria-filled material that develops on the surface of teeth. Example: > It is important to go to the dentist to remove plaque from your teeth every once in a while.
#3 Meaning: A tiny, elevated spot on a surface inside the body that is frequently brought on by the formation of material or by the substance itself. Example: > You need to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle to prevent fatty plaque from forming in your body.
Close-up of a dentist's hands working on the patient's teeth, removing plaque.
Pliers (Noun) Syllable division: pli·ers How to pronounce: UK: /ˈplaɪ.əz/ US: /ˈplaɪ.ɚz/
British VS American Pronunciation of the word Pliers
Meaning: A little tool with two handles that can be used for cutting wire or grasping small objects like nails. Example: > Please hand me the pliers. > I need to buy a pair of pliers.
Close-up of a fisherman wearing handgloves putting lure on fishing line using a pliers while standing by the lake
Pasteurize (Verb) Syllable division: pas·teur·ize How to pronounce: UK: /ˈpɑːs.tʃər.aɪz/ US: /ˈpæs.tʃə.raɪz/
British VS American Pronunciation of the word Pasteurize.
Meaning: To sterilize something by heating it, particularly milk, to a set temperature for a set amount of time. Example: > Do not drink milk that hasn't been pasteurized. > Cheese goes through a special process when being pasteurized.