Dawn (Noun/Verb) Syllable division: dawn How to pronounce: UK: /d蓴藧n/ US: /d蓱藧n/
Dawn as a NOUN Meaning: The time of day when the sun's light first appears in the sky. Example: > They like to wake up at dawn. > She left for work at the break of dawn. > They stayed out until dawn.
Dawn as a VERB Meaning: When something/someone becomes well-known or evident. Example: > It soon dawned that they weren't telling the truth. > Another era of music is dawning every few months.
Enjoy your TUESDAY and remember to post your sentence! 馃榾
Counterfeit (Adjective) Syllable division: coun路鈥媡er路鈥媐eit How to pronounce: UK: /藞ka蕣n.t蓹.f瑟t/ US: /藞ka蕣n.t态蓺.f瑟t/
Meaning: Something that has been altered to look like the original, frequently for dishonest or unlawful reasons. Example: > She bought a counterfeit passport with a different identity. > They made counterfeit money to pay their debt. >Most people wear brand-name clothes that have been counterfeited.
Happy Monday! 馃榾 Have a great day and post your sentence 馃榾
Bury (Verb) Syllable division: bury How to pronounce: UK: /藞ber.i/ US: /藞ber.i/
#1 Meaning: To place something into and then cover something in the ground. Example: > Her uncle was buried a week after he died. > The little boy wanted to bury his treasure chest.
#2 Meaning: To attempt to keep others from learning about something that has occurred. Example: > He attempted to bury the evidence of his affairs. > Some of the important information was buried somewhere in the room.
#3 Meaning: To place something in a location where it is challenging to find or impossible to notice. Example: > When she received the news, she buried her face in her hands to hide her tears. > He found his certificate buried away in a cabinet.
Have a GREAT Sunday! 馃榾 Remember to post your sentence 馃榾
Gnocchi (Noun) Syllable division: gnoc路鈥媍hi How to pronounce: UK: /藞nj蓲k.i/ US: /藞nj蓱藧.ki/
Meaning: Eaten in soup or with sauce, these little circular balls are formed with potato or wheat flour and water. Example: > I have never tried to make my own gnocchi before. > What do you think of the taste of gnocchi?
Happy Saturday! 馃榾 Remember to post your sentence 馃榾
Autopsy (Noun) Syllable division: au路鈥媡op路鈥媠y How to pronounce: UK: /藞蓴藧.t蓲p.si/ US: /藞蓱藧.t蓱藧p.si/
Meaning: Finding the cause of death by cutting and examining a deceased body. Example: > They had to wait for the autopsy to be performed before they could start arranging the funeral. > Her body was sent for an autopsy hours after it was found.
HAPPY WEEKEND! 馃榾 Remember to post your sentence 馃榾