Combo (Noun) Syllable division: com·bo How to pronounce: UK: /ˈkɒm.bəʊ/ US: /ˈkɑːm.boʊ/
American Pronunciation of the word Combo
#1 Meaning: A compact combination incorporating jazz and dance musicians. Example: > We can really hire that combo for New Year's Eve. People will love it. > They decided to do one combo show and see how it goes.
#2 Meaning: When different things are combined together. Example: > I just love their burger combos. > Her outfit is a weird combo, but it suits her well.
Have a GREAT last 2022 Friday! 😀 Remember to post your sentence 😀
Deteriorate (Verb) Syllable division: de·te·ri·o·rate How to pronounce: UK: /dɪˈtɪə.ri.ə.reɪt/ US: /dɪˈtɪr.i.ə.reɪt/
American Pronunciation of the word Deteriorate
Meaning: When something becomes weaker/worse than it was. Example: > Since the accident, her condition has only deteriorated. > I really do hope that you take care of this property without allowing it to deteriorate.
Have a GOOD Thursday! 😀 Remember to post your sentence 😀
Durable (Adjective) Syllable division: du·ra·ble How to pronounce: UK: /ˈdʒʊə.rə.bəl/ US: /ˈdʊr.ə.bəl/
American Pronunciation of the word Durable
#1 Meaning: Being strong and lasting a long time without weakening. Example: > It is important to make sure that you buy durable clothes for this camping trip. > He invented a device that is very durable.
#2 Meaning: The capacity to perform a task for a long time without becoming exhausted or hurt. Example: > He is one of the most durable swimmers that I know. > She is a very good worker as she is durable.
Have a GREAT Wednesday and remember to post your sentence 😀
Eclipse (Noun/Verb) Syllable division: e-clipse How to pronounce: UK: /ɪˈklɪps/ US: /ɪˈklɪps/
American Pronunciation of the word Eclipse
Eclipse as a NOUN Meaning: A time when the sun entirely or partially "hides from" the sky when the moon is passing in front of or behind the earth, or when the moon darkens as the earth's shadow passes over it. Example: > The next solar eclipse will be in about 50 years. > Have you seen the eclipse of the sun this past weekend?
Eclipse as a VERB Meaning: To significantly reduce the importance, quality, or fame of another person or thing. Example: > During his election, his wife eclipsed all of his issues and caused for him come in second. > She came up with a good idea to eclipse the organization's achievements
Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday! 😀 Remember to post your sentence. 😀
Scientific background, astronomical phenomenon - full sun eclipse, total solar eclipse
Disinfectant (Noun) Syllable division: dis·in·fec·tant How to pronounce: UK: /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfek.tənt/ US: /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfek.t̬ənt/
American Pronunciation of the word Disinfectant
Meaning: A liquid used specifically for cleaning surfaces in kitchens and bathrooms that contains chemicals that destroy bacteria. Example: > We need to produce disinfectants that are not harmful for the environment. > Why are disinfectants so expensive this month?
Happy Monday! 😀 Have a GREAT day and remember to post your sentence 😀