Reflective (Adjective) Syllable division: re·flec·tive How to pronounce: UK: /rɪˈflek.tɪv/ US: /rɪˈflek.tɪv/
American Pronunciation of the word Reflective
#1 Meaning: The majority of the light that strikes a reflecting surface is directed back, making it visible. Example: > Before the night marathon we should buy some reflective clothing. > It is important for construction workers to wear reflective gear.
#2 Meaning: Calm and serious thought. Example: > I think that it is important to reflect on your week ahead before it starts. > After she heard the news she reflected in silence for a few hours.
Have a GREAT Day! 😀 Do not forget to post your sentence.
Employees working on construction site, wearing reflective clothing and discussing next construction phase
Pierce (Verb) Syllable division: pierce How to pronounce: UK: /pɪəs/ US: /pɪrs/
American Pronunciation of the word Pierce
#1 Meaning: To use a sharp point to puncture something, creating a hole within. Example: > She decided that she wanted to get her ears pierced for her birthday. > Before you boil the potatoes for 15-minutes, you need to pierce them with a fork.
#2 Meaning: Something is suddenly seen or heard very clearly if a light or sound pierces through it. Example: > The sound of her baby crying pierced her mother-heart. > The gun shot sounds pierced the night's silence.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday! 😀 Post your sentence 😀
Disturb (Verb) Syllable division: dis·turb How to pronounce: UK: /dɪˈstɜːb/ US: /dɪˈstɝːb/
American Pronunciation of the word Disturb
#1 Meaning: To stop someone from doing something by interrupting them. Example: > He made it clear that he doesn't want anyone to disturb him, unless it is an emergency! > Can I disturb you for a while? I really need your help please.
#2 Meaning: When you make someone feel anxious or unhappy. Example: > I do not think that you can show those pictures to these learners as it might disturb some of them. > I did not want to disturb you by sharing this news, I just wanted to make sure that you are informed.
#3 Meaning: To modify something's normal state, structure, condition, or shape by moving or altering it. Example: > They disturbed some of her paintings while painting the walls. > Please do not disturb anything while cleaning the apartment.
Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday! 😀 Do not forget to post your sentence 😀
Woman looking at her coworker with a displeased expression because she is being disturbed.
Meditation (Noun) Syllable division: med-i-ta-tion How to pronounce: UK: /ˌmed.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ US: /ˌmed.əˈteɪ.ʃən/
American Pronunciation of the word Meditate
#1 Meaning: The practice of focusing entirely on one topic, either as a religious practice or as a means to settle down and relax. Example: > She likes to meditate at least once a week. > A lot of people began to practice yoga and meditation.
#2 Meaning: Careful consideration, research, or the outcome of one of these activities. Example: > This music is a meditation on your mind, body and soul. > I left his office while he was meditating.
Have a MARVELOUS Monday! 😀 Remember to post your sentence 😀
Boast (Verb) Syllable division: boast How to pronounce: UK: /bəʊst/ US: /boʊst/
American Pronunciation of the word Boast
#1 Meaning: Speaking excessively loud or enthusiastically about your accomplishments or possessions. Example: > She boasted about her trips around the world. > He wasn't boastful about his new promotion because he did not want people to think that he is full of himself.
#2 Meaning: To be proud of something that you own. Example: > Their company boasts with a high profit margin. > Thailand boasts with a lot of beautiful beaches.
Enjoy your Sunday! 😀 Post your sentence 😀
Female soccer player boasting her team's win by showing her medal