Blister (Noun/Verb) Syllable division: blis·ter How to pronounce: UK: /ˈblɪs.tər/ US: /ˈblɪs.tɚ/
Blister as a NOUN Meaning: A painful liquid-filled swelling of the skin brought on by burning or constant rubbing, especially on the foot. Example: > My new trainers gave me blisters. > Did you see that she has a blister on her thumb?
Blister as a VERB Meaning: Either to cause or to develop blisters. Example: > When I spend too much time in the sun, the sun burns blisters on my body. > I hate it when my feet start to blister in the middle of a sport season.
Smoothie (Noun) Syllable division: smooth-ie How to pronounce: UK: /ˈsmuː.ði/ US: /ˈsmuː.ði/
#1 Meaning: A thick healthy drink that can be made from fruit with yogurt and/or ice-cream by blending everything together until it forms a smooth drink. Example: > I think that we need to try some of the trending detox smoothies next. > Can you buy some ingredients for our breakfast smoothies while in town? > What do you like to add to your smoothies to make it tastier?
#2 Meaning: A man who is charming, self-assured, and persuasive but not in a sincere manner. Example: > He is such a smoothie and he is not even 20 yet.
Lemonade (Noun) Syllable division: lem·on·ade How to pronounce: UK: /ˌlem.əˈneɪd/ US: /ˌlem.əˈneɪd/
Meaning: In the US = A beverage that is made using lemon juice, water, and sugar. In the UK = A cool, sweet beverage with bubbles that tastes like lemon. Example: > They decided to have a lemonade stand at this year's fair. > My mom used to make the best lemonade every summer when I was in middle school. / > Homemade lemonade is the best! 😀 > He likes to drink lemonade when sunbathing next to the pool.
Milkshake (Noun) Syllable division: milk·shake How to pronounce: UK: /ˈmɪlk.ʃeɪk/ US: /ˈmɪlk.ʃeɪk/
Meaning: a smooth beverage produced by blending milk, usually ice cream, and flavorings like fruit or chocolate. Example: > Let's go for some milkshake after the game! > Do you know how to make a chocolate milkshake? > I would like to try one of those crazy milkshakes with the added toppings, etc.
Medicine (Noun) Syllable division: med·i·cine How to pronounce: UK: /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/ /ˈmed.sən/ US: /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/
Meaning: When someone is ill or injured, they take medicine (substance) as a treatment / The study of medicine. Example: > She wanted to pursue a career in medicine. > You have to take two tablets of medicine after each meal. > They decided to practice Western Medicine. > You should not take this medication with other medicine.